**The 10 most important points you must do before driving a car, with pictures**
1. Car Inspection:
Before driving the car, it is important to inspect it to ensure it is in good condition. Things to check include engine oil, brake fluid level, tire pressure, tire condition, vehicle lights, windows, and mirrors.
[Image of checking the car before driving]
2. Wearing a seat belt:
The seat belt is one of the most important safety tools in the car. It can help protect your life in the event of an accident. Always wear your seat belt when driving, even if you are only driving a short distance.
[Image of wearing a seat belt while driving]
3. Mirror adjustment:
Side and rearview mirrors should be adjusted so that you can see the road behind and to the side of you without having to move your head. This will help you stay informed of what is happening around you.
[Image of adjusting mirrors while driving]
4. Adjusting Your Seat:
Your seat should be adjusted so that you are able to easily reach the pedals and steering.
You should also be able to see the road ahead without raising your arms.
5. Remove all distractions:
When driving, it is important to focus on the road.
Avoid using your phone or any other electronic devices while driving. If you need to use your phone, park the car in a safe place.
6. Drive safely:
Follow traffic laws and be aware of your surroundings.
Maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you, and watch for pedestrians and other vehicles.
[Image of driving safely]
7. Do not drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs:** Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is very dangerous. It can lead to losing control of the vehicle and causing an accident.
Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs at any time.
[Image of not driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs]
8. Rest:
If you are tired, do not drive. Fatigue can lead to decreased concentration and cause an accident. If you feel tired, stop and rest before continuing to drive.
[Image of comfort while driving]
9. Stopping in case of bad weather:
If the weather is bad, such as rain or snow, be extra careful while driving. Slow down and leave more space between you and the car in front of you.
If the weather is severe, it is best to stop and wait for the weather to improve.
[Image of stopping in case of bad weather]
10. Check road signs:
Always pay attention to road signs. Road signs specify the laws and rules you must follow.
By following these 10 points, you can help yourself drive safely and keep yourself and others safe on the road.